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Dissertation Projects

This is a list of ongoing and completed dissertation projects in our department. Detailed information on each project will follow soon.


Current Projects

Caroline Ruhl:
The Asian Women’s Conference: Transnational Approaches to Sexual Discrimination in 1970s Japan (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Germer

Peter Bernardi:
The Construction of Transnational Memory: The Centenário da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil 2008
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Simon Essler:
Changing Values in the Japanese Working World? An Investigation Using the Case Study of a Kamaboko Factory in Fukui Prefecture.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Anna-Lena von Garnier:
The Staging of Female Bodies in the Literature of Modern Japanese Authors - Lived Bodily Experience or Projection Screen of Discursive Practice?(tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michiko Mae

Katharina Hülsmann:
Japanese Dōjinshi of the Marvel Universe – Between Consumption and Subversiveness, Between Transcultural Fandom and Periphery (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michiko Mae

Adam Jambor
Homebound - The Function of Social Capital in the Course of Students' Job Search in Okinawa Prefecture (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Annette Schad-Seifert

Stephanie Klasen:

Identity Constructs of Japanese Koreans in Japanese Film Between Transculturality, Hybridity and Transdifference (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michiko Mae

Angelika Yuki Köhler: 
Corporate Communications - Public Relations Management: Strategies in Germany, Japan and the Usa (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michiko Mae

Marina Sammelt: 
Journey Into the Familiar Unknown: Japanese Woodblock Prints (Ukiyo-e) and Their Narratives in Exhibitions in the West from the 1950s to the Present (tentative title)
Supervisor: apl.-Prof. Dr. Christian Tagsold

Theresa Sieland:
Restructuring Problems of Rural Areas in Current Japanese Society (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Jutta Teuwsen:
Mount Fuji in Contemporary Art: A Discourse of Images
Supervisor: apl.-Prof. Dr. Christian Tagsold

Christoph Winnefeld:
Zaitakushi – The Importance of Places of Death for Palliative Care in Japan (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Hisako Yoshizawa:
Visitation Rights After Divorce in Japan
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Yueh-Chen Yu:
Introduction of Tea and Tea Drinking Between Tradition and Modernity in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule (1895-1945) (tentative title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada


Completed Projects

Dr. Nils Dahl (2015):
Kodokushi. Local Networks Against Japan's "Lonely Deaths"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Julia Hillmann (2017):
Policies on Family and Gender Roles in Japan's Reconciliation Policy
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michiko Mae

Dr. Phoebe Stella Holdgrün (2011):
Gender Equality Policies in Japanese Prefectures. Decentralised Implementation Strategies Between Self-government Initiatives and Fulfilment Needs
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michiko Mae

Dr. Nora Kottmann (2014):
The Importance of Marriage in Times of Declining Marriages - a Qualitative Study on Marriage Decisions
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Annette Schad-Seifert

Ludgera Lewerich (2020):
On Happiness in the Country. First Person Narratives of Young i-Turners Between Self-realisation and Orientation Towards the Common Good
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Constanze Noack (2016): 
Constructed Masculinities - the Construction and Reproduction of Knowledge about Masculinity Using the Example Sōshoku Danshi 
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Annette Schad-Seifert

Dr. Stephanie Osawa (2016): 
The "Ambiguity of the Unambiguous": Deviating From the Norm in the Self-Interpretations of Deviant Youth in Japan
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Annette Schad-Seifert

Dr. Julia Siep (2009):
Nationalised Motherhood as a Phenomenon of Modernity. Women's Magazines in Japan, Germany and Italy in the 1930s
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michiko Mae

Dr. Celia Spoden (2014):
To Dispose of Death. Individual Meanings and Social Realities of Living Wills in Japan
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shingo Shimada

Timo Thelen (2018):
Where is the „Harmony with Nature“? The Representation of Local Communities in the Japanese Environmental Discourse On satoyama satoumi 
Supervisor: PD Dr. Tagsold