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Our Department

Düsseldorf is home to a thriving Japanese community which we incorporate into our research, making our city a popular place of study for students interested in modern Japanese studies. We combine cultural and sociological approaches to research fields like inter- and transculturality, gender studies, globalisation, consumerism, business ethics, gerontology and popular culture.

Our team consists of four tenured professors, one DFG funded position, several research and teaching associates, two full-time lecturers of Japanese language, two secretaries as well as a changing number of visiting lecturers and student and graduate assistants. Not only is the department one of the largest in Germany, but we have a mix of native Japanese and German staff on every professional level, from professorship to language teaching, research associates and student assistantships.

The department also cooperates with institutions from the Japanese diaspora in Dusseldorf. We share an information booth with the consulate general at the Japan Day each year, take field trips to the Buddhist temple Eko House in Oberkassel and encourage our students to get into contact with Japanese companies and people in Dusseldorf as quick as possible.