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Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ULB)

Most releases related to Japan are kept in the ULB, where they can be read and borrowed. The majority of works are in German or English.

The ULB (building 24.41) is located in the centre of campus, next to the Oeconomicum and across from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The bulk of Japan-related works can be found in the south-west corner of the second floor (1. Etage). The textbook collection (Lehrbuchsammlung) is located on the ground floor, to the left of the information desk, and also contains many Japan-related works, especially reference works like encyclopaedias. DVDs, magazines, and rare works must be ordered from the stack, which requires a valid library card. Students of HHU do not need to apply for one, as the HHU-Card already serves as a library card.

The ULB offers a lot of study spaces on all floors. The computers in the entrance area and on the library floors can only be used to search for works in catalogues and databases. Jackets and bags have to be placed in lockers near the building entrance (2€ deposit).

Current opening hours can be found on the ULB homepage, which also contains more information. It also offers access to the online catalogues.

Specialised Library for East Asian Studies

The library for East Asian Studies is the sister library of the ULB and contains mainly works in Japanese language that can be read on location. Some works can be borrowed, but only from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. This requires a ULB library card. The library can be found in the Verbundbibliothek Geisteswissenschaften in building 24.21 on the second and third floors (1. + 2. Etage), and can be reached via lift or stairs in building 24.21.

Like the ULB, the specialised library also offers computers for searching catalogues and databases. Jackets and bags have to be placed in lockers near the entrance (2€ deposit).

Current opening hours can be found on the relevant homepage, which also contains more information. Works stored in the special library can be found in the online catalogue of the ULB.